Our Biometric test for iOS is run through the PC application and outside of the Mobile app.

To test the Face ID on iPhones and iPads, please follow the steps below.

1. Connect the device to MobiOne, once the tile has finished loading the data and the app has been pushed to the phone, you will see a message that says "Pick up the device to begin testing". 

2. Pick up the device and you will see the message on the tile change to "Navigate to Settings > Face ID Passcode > Set Up Face ID". This means the tile is ready to test the Biometric.

3. On the device, go to the Settings page, then scroll down to, and tap on Face ID & Passcode, tap on Set Up Face ID, then tap Get Started. Centre your face in the circle as if you were going to begin setting up the Face ID, as soon as MobiOne has detected the operating system registering your face, the test will pass. If your face is not detected correctly, then MobiOne will fail the test.  PLEASE NOTE YOU DO NOT NEED TO STORE YOUR FACE 

4. You can confirm the test has been completed by looking at the bottom line of data on the tile, next to FID/TID, it will either say PASS or FAIL. Once you see the result on the tile, you can open the MobiOne app on the device and continue the test.